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You’re Not the Boss of Me

By November 2, 2012March 11th, 2016Blog, Fuel for Thought

You’re Not the Boss of Me

What do you know about our national energy policy?

Most of us might respond by saying our national energy policy is to reduce dependence on foreign oil, clean the environment and develop sustainable habits. That’d be close enough. We can thank the U.S. Energy Department for giving us a working understanding of these principles.

And that’s nice and all … but it’s just words.

I’ll argue that what’s more important is your personal energy policy.

Last week I heard my son say to his brother, “You’re not the boss of me.” When you were a child, you probably said or thought that exact phrase — probably on more than one occasion. It got me thinking: How is it that we are so determined to avoid people from “bossing” us around, yet we oftentimes let someone do so when it’s convenient?

As a culture, if we were so determined not to let someone be the boss of us, why would we wait for things like a clearly defined national energy policy to help us with our environmental stewardship?

Start today, in your house. Recycle. Set your thermostat at a lower temperature as winter sets in. Turn off the lights when leaving a room. Don’t run the water those extra seconds while brushing your teeth.

And in your job, reuse what you can. Install more efficient heating and cooling systems. Carpool, walk or bike to work. Put propane autogas or natural gas powered vehicles in your fleet. Use solar energy where possible.

The list goes on and on.

Do you really need someone to publish a national energy policy to make a difference in your world? If you are waiting on the government before you make a decision about your fleet, guess what? Someone else is the boss of you.

Set your own local policy — at home, at work, at play. Not only will you make an immediate difference to this planet we all call home, but you’ll prove no one is the boss of you.